For example, one casino's cards mapped out a giant shift in women from one side of the casino to the other at the same time every day. Casinos give out 'player cards,' which you swipe at machines and tables most people think they're merely loyalty programs, but the casinos also use them to track your activity and then map out everyone's preferences over time. Search for the exit, and twisted hallways send you right back to where you started, or to a different casino floor. Get up to take a walk around, and you'll find the casino layout is a maze. The goal is to suspend you in a timeless void in which there is only the next hand or the next spin at the roulette wheel forever.
Phones are forbidden at the table, and that's not just to keep you from cheating or snapping photos - it keeps you from checking the time, since most people don't wear watches nowadays. Casinos have no windows windows show the sun moving. See, there is a reason casinos play looping, nondescript music instead of songs: Song changes would mean time's passing, and then when a song finally repeats, you'd know hours must have passed and maybe break yourself out of that trance. 'Damn those greedy sleep urine poop fire fetishists!'